Sajari UI


The Drawer component is a panel that slides out from the edge of the screen. It can be useful when you need users to complete a task or view some details without leaving the current page.



Basic Drawer

Editable Example


  • When opening the Drawer, focus is trapped inside the Drawer.
  • By default, the drawer sets focus on the first focusable element. If the initialFocusRef prop is passed, the drawer sets focus on the element with the assigned ref.
  • After the drawer closes, it'll return focus to the element that triggered it.


Drawer Props

Drawer composes the Modal component with these extra props:

isFullHeightbooleanfalseIf true and placement is set to top or bottom, the drawer fills the height of the viewport.
placementleft, right, top, bottomrightThe ref to the initial element to receive focus when the drawer opens.

Other components

  • DrawerOverlay, DrawerFooter, DrawerHeader and DrawerBody composes Box component
  • DrawerCloseButton composes CloseButton