Sajari UI


A tooltip is a brief, informative message that appears when a user interacts with an element. Tooltips are usually initiated in one of two ways: through a mouse-hover gesture or through a keyboard-hover gesture.

The Tooltip component follows the WAI-ARIA Tooltip Pattern.



If the children of Tooltip is a string, we wrap with in a span with tabIndex set to 0, to ensure it meets the accessibility requirements.

Editable Example
Hover me

With an icon

Editable Example

Tooltip with focusable content

If the children of the tooltip is a focusable element, the tooltip will show when you focus or hover on the element, and will hide when you blur or move cursor out of the element.

Editable Example

Hoverable Tooltip

If you want users to be able to hover the tooltip, for example to support having links in the tooltip, you can add the hoverable prop and optional set a hoverDelay.

Editable Example


Using the placement prop you can adjust where your tooltip will be displayed.

Editable Example


disabledbooleanWhether to show the tooltip.
openbooleanIf true, the tooltip is shown.
defaultOpenbooleanIf true, the tooltip is initially shown.
labelReact.ReactNodeThe label of the tooltip.
aria-labelstringAn alternate label for screen readers.
placementPopperJS.PlacementbottomPosition the tooltip relative to the trigger element as well as surrounding elements.
childrenReact.ReactNodeThe ReactNode to be used as the trigger of the tooltip.
openDelaynumberThe delay in ms for the tooltip to open.
closeDelaynumberThe delay in ms for the tooltip to close.
closeOnClickbooleanIf true hide the tooltip, when the trigger is clicked.
shouldWrapChildrenbooleanIf true, the tooltip will wrap the children in a span with tabIndex=0
hoverablebooleanWhether the tooltip should be hoverable and stay open while hovered.
hoverDelaybooleanThe time to wait to allow for leaving the trigger and entering the tooltip.
onOpenfunctionFunction called when the tooltip shows.
onClosefunctionFunction called when the tooltip hides.