Sajari UI


Use the <Icon> component to easily render <svg> icons.

Avoid passing onClick handlers to the Icon component. If you need a clickable icon, use IconButton instead.



Use an icon by passing the name props. This name must match an icon key in theme.icons. By default, the icon inherits the fontSize and color of it's parent.

Editable Example

All Icons

Here's a list of the default icons included in Sajari UI. Hover the icon to see their respective name.




🚨 Resizing

While it's possible to set the size prop and resize an icon, this is not recommended due to rendering issues, often resulting in half pixels, etc. Where possible, omit the size prop altogether and add an icon from Nucleo in the appropriate size. If you must resize an icon, try to do so at 0.5x, 2x or 3x the original size - e.g. xl for the default icons (16px) icons and lg for small icons (12px). Here's the size prop mapping:

ValuePixelsName Prefix

Adding icons

Icons should be sourced from our chosen icon set, Nucleo. The default icon size is 16px and in glyph style. The process is:

  • Find an icon in the Nucleo app you want.
  • Export it to /src/assets/icons in the package.
  • Make sure it's named correctly. Often the icons come out of Nucleo with funky names that make no sense. Name it appropriately, using kebab case and remembering to add the correct prefix in the table above for it's size.
  • Run yarn build:icons in the root of the project. This will compress the SVG, extract the viewBox, width and height prop and add them to components/Icon/icons.ts.
  • Your new icon will be available for the name prop using the filename of the icon.


Icon component composes Box so you can pass all Box props.

name (required)stringThe name of the icon.
sizesm, md, lg, xl, 2xl, 3xlThe size of the icon. The default is to render the icon at 100% of original size.
colorBoxProps['textColor']The color of the icon. Shorthand for textColor. By default it will inherit currentColor.
focusablebooleanfalseDenotes that the icon is not an interative element, and only used for presentation.
rolepresentation, imgpresentationThe html role of the icon.